Coding changed my life

Ejas Muhammed
4 min readMar 12, 2020

I started to code at age 15, while I was studying Xth grade. That’s the time when things started to go in a different route.
As most of the developers out there I too started with C, C++, later I started to explore the internet.
That was the time when the internet was not as accessible as of this time, still, I could get my hands into it.

Photo by Arnold Francisca on Unsplash

Beginning with satisfaction

The change started when I started to get the output. When I saw my first “Hello World” application is running, I’ve no idea how satisfying it was to me.

I used to think like “I asked the computer to show me Hello World, and it did so, then how is it all working, how is the computer understanding what I am saying”. Then I realised that the computer wasn’t understanding what I said, I said the way computer understands. — The world of programming languages.

The black screen outputs soon stopped making me happy. So I was into the Web. This time it started to make evident changes.
I realised that I am making something which is part of the internet, the world. The feeling that anybody in the world can see what I have done was really good.

The happiness of seeing webpages didn’t last soon. So I was into Backend.

Questions don’t end there. What Why and How was with me all the time, which led me to understand Automata and Machine’s way of understanding. things. I must say this — the compiler is a great guy!

Photo by Faisal M on Unsplash

Backend is where it all changed my life.
I started to realise that the way I think has changed. Whenever I see something I think like an algorithm.
Whenever I saw something, It comes into my brain like — these things have happened, and I can divide it into 2 cases, if we are taking the first case then we could reach this output else we could get another output.

Coding is emulating real life

The OOPs concept is so much related to our life. The concept of classes and objects is so much relatable to our life.
The categorisation of things — Identifying Objects — Communication between objects. All these have high similarity with the world.

Problem Solving Skills

Coding is able to develop your problem-solving skills. The algorithm itself is the process of solving a problem step by step. And as I said earlier, we think like Algorithm. Whenever I see a problem I try to make a virtual environment in my mind and start working on different aspects of that real-world problem inside my mind which gives me a set of solutions and hence I can execute it in the real world with any trial and error.

Time & Optimisation

This is another life-changing skill that coding has given me.
When we write code for a particular project, we don’t have all our time and effort for that. We need to complete a project as soon as possible. So time management and optimisation are so important. We can not spend 24 hours of coding. So we gotta optimise the amount of code which also gives us more time free.
This time management and optimisation skills in coding started to reflect in my life too. I can see the way I make a plan inside me when something comes up. That’s now an automated process.


For sure, coding changed my career. It was a sharp turning to my life and my career.
I started to think about problems and solutions which eventually made me an Entrepreneur. The biggest change. I’ll share my story of becoming an entrepreneur in another blog.

Photo by Jefferson Santos on Unsplash

Coding could make your life better, so better. I’ve realised in my life.
And what I suggest is that coding should be included as a core subject in high school syllabus irrespective of the stream they are going to choose.
I’ve seen people before study how to code and after coding. I’ve seen myself!
It’s a huge change, throughout!

And the people who like coding, guys code for fun. Most of the world-changing ideas came through fun coding and crazy sleepless nights. Go forward.

Start coding.
If you want to start with python click here.

Eyes open!

